DEI in the Schoolhouse

Lower School

Understanding Community in the Lower School

As early as Kindergarten, 我们致力于教育我们最年轻的思想和心灵,让他们了解拥抱和庆祝文化多样性的重要性, languages, and identities throughout our community and our world. 我们通过以下方式鼓励每个班级的学生接受和欣赏学生:

Community Class

In our Community class, students in Kindergarten, Class I, 二班开始了他们对差异的理解和欣赏之旅. 他们发现并学习这些差异如何创造了人类经历的马赛克, 什么是一个充实和丰富的学习环境的核心要素,并为成功的生活奠定基础. Through various inquiry-based, individual, and small group projects, 指导和鼓励他们将自己视为为自己和各自社区创造更美好世界的积极和富有成效的参与者.

Lower School Spanish Program

低年级西班牙语课程强调文化探索,为学生提供几种身临其境的体验, real-life experiences as an opportunity for meaningful, authentic learning

History of New York

Class II studies the geography and people of New York City, focusing on how the city has changed over time. The curriculum is brought to life with frequent field trips, hands-on projects, books, photos, and online (audio-visual) media.

Human Rights

Class III students learn to effectively, empathetically, 并通过多个镜头批判性地看待当前事件和历史, 理解人们作为世界公民的权利和责任. Some of the themes of our study include geography, the United Nations, the rights of the child and the sustainable development goals, and strong female change-makers and role models.

Democracy, Citizenship, and Social Justice

Democracy and Citizenship

Social Justice Movements
Through a selection of historical nonfiction picture books, novels, and digital articles, 四年级学生学习和调查美国各种社会正义运动的历史. 通过这项研究,学生们可以接触到各种各样的变革者和社会正义领袖. 他们将这些知识作为最终累积研究项目和报告的基础.

Middle School

Developing Comfort, Connections, and Courage in the Middle School

当学生们定位自己的身份,更多地了解他们同学的文化和经历时, we believe it is important to provide outlets for expression, exploration, and appreciation of one another’s histories and heritage. 我们通过以下方式鼓励每个班级的学生接受和欣赏学生:

Community Time

通过以种族和身份对话为基础的咨询课程, and complementary assemblies and town hall meetings, 学生加深对系统性种族主义和其他形式的不宽容的理解, including anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia and gender discrimination, and they develop the vulnerability, language, 以及创造一个积极反种族主义和公平的社区和世界的工具.

Middle School Inclusivity Board


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Class VIII

Comfort, Connections, Courage: In this course, 培养学生的以下技能:能够自如地讨论具有挑战性的话题, which will come from a safe and trust-filled environment created together; the motivation and ability to make CONNECTIONS with others, especially others with whom they have less in common; and the COURAGE to engage in the work of creating a more inclusive and equitable community for all, both within and beyond the blue doors.

Class VIII History

In students' capstone year in the Middle School, they are immersed in a course focused on race, racism, anti-racism, and human rights in America. 从研究黑人的命也重要运动和当代美国的种族开始, as the year unfolds, 学生们揭示了压迫制度是如何建立起来的,以及美国人是如何努力和牺牲来试图拆除它们的. In the pursuit of truth, we amplify voices that have been missing from the narrative, 这一年的高潮是学生们为那些没有得到历史充分认可的美国人建立纪念碑.

Upper School

Empowering Catalysts for Social Change in the Upper School

当我们准备让年长的学生成为皇冠体育app大学的领导,当他们走出我们蓝色的大门, 我们致力于为围绕种族话题的批判性参与提供机会和责任, equity, 以及社会正义,让我们的学生成为社会变革的催化剂. 以下资源和倡议旨在支持这些对话:

Going Beyond Barriers

Over four years, students reflect on social issues, their roles in the community, and how they can make positive changes. 他们通过公开演讲来识别领导行为和磨练沟通技巧. 这个序列的高潮是通过多种镜头回答生命的基本问题,并以一种只有皇冠体育app才能做到的方式教育思想和心灵.

Affinity Groups

Under the leadership of the Upper School Inclusivity Board, 高年级的学生在学校里有专门的时间来参与关于共同身份和友谊的对话.

Global Partnerships/Community Engagement

我们努力为学生提供成为具有全球竞争力的青年所需的技能. Through discussions about current events around the world, serving our local communities, and travel, 学生们沉浸在展示全球经验和文化广度的情境中.

Student Conferences

  • Student Diversity Leadership Conference (SDLC)
  • Diversity Awareness Initiative for Students (DAIS)
  • 纽约独立学校拉丁裔教育工作者拉丁裔青年会议
  • Latinx Youth Conference
  • YALA (Young Asian Leadership Alliance) Gala

Student-led Clubs

  • Asian Culture Club
  • Latin Club
  • Ladies of Color Stand (LOCS)
  • Spectrum
  • Jewish Culture Club
  • CAFÉ (Cultural Awareness for Everyone)
  • Women’s Rights Club